What Are the Health Risks of Aesthetic Surgery?

Any type of surgery carries risks including cosmetic procedures. Learn more about the potential health risks associated with aesthetic surgery.

What Are the Health Risks of Aesthetic Surgery?

Any type of surgery carries risks, including cosmetic procedures. Bruising, seroma formation, nerve damage, infections, scarring, blood loss, and complications from anesthesia are all potential risks. More serious complications such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism can even lead to death. Your body mass index (BMI) and any existing diabetes can increase your risk of developing complications.

Smoking also increases the risk of complications and interferes with healing. Before undergoing surgery, you should meet with your surgeon to discuss the risks associated with the procedure and your medical history. You should be informed about the benefits, risks, and possible complications of the procedure as well as any alternatives. By following the instructions of your surgeon and healthcare team, you can minimize the risks and complications associated with surgery.

Although each type of surgery carries its own specific risks, there are some common risks associated with all surgical procedures. These include hematoma, scarring, blood loss, nerve damage, infection, deep vein thrombosis, and seroma. In some cases, complications from anesthesia may also be observed. If you have strong negative emotions about your physical appearance, it is important to consult a healthcare provider or mental health professional about body dysmorphic disorder before undergoing surgery.

Make sure you are in the best possible health before having surgery by taking care of yourself and not letting your desire for surgery overshadow any serious health considerations.