How Long Does It Take to Recover from Aesthetic Surgery?

The recovery process for plastic surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and the type of work you do. Generally, patients should plan to take 3 to 14 days off work. Learn more about the full recovery process for plastic surgery.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Aesthetic Surgery?

Aesthetic surgery is often seen as a shortcut to achieving one's desired body shape, but this is a dangerous misconception. The recovery process for plastic surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and the type of work you do. Generally, patients should plan to take 3 to 14 days off work. Breast augmentation usually requires 3 days of recovery, while more invasive surgeries such as Brazilian butt lifts and mommy makeovers require at least 14 days.

Liposuction can usually be done independently on the second day, and patients can return to work and normal activities in 5-7 days. Abdominoplasty patients may take 2 to 4 days before moving independently, and they can return to a desk job in 5-7 days or other jobs in 10-14 days. The full recovery process for plastic surgery typically lasts 6 months, but significant improvement and return to normal activities can be expected after the first month. As with many facial features, surgical procedures around the eyes tend to follow a recovery process similar to that of a facelift.